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Yoga; A Natural Approach To Improving Your Health

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Yoga is one of the most holistic approaches to invigoration & fitness practices that we probably know of! If you’re curious to see what scientific studies say about yoga, keep on reading. Take a look at the studies listed below along with the Yoga poses that they correlate with:

  1.             Diabetes Risk Reduction & Control

The complex condition plagues the young and old alike. There is no cure for diabetes but the condition can be potentially managed with lifestyle, eating changes and exercises. A BioMed study has found that Yoga offers a likelihood of decreasing weight-related type 2 Diabetes risk factors. Yoga was found to be more effective at weight reduction and inch loss than walking as a measure for controlling diabetes! Try Tree, Bow, Plough & Half Twist poses!*


  1.             Hypertension Management

Though not a life threatening condition by itself, high blood pressure(BP) when not kept in check will cause the heart to overwork and weaken. A Yale study revealed that Yoga interventions resulted in reduction of BP and related cardiovascular deaths. At Medical Center of Central Georgia Study you will find how yoga as a non pharmacologic way to control BP is promising! Try Bound Angle, Bridge, Corpse, Downward-facing-dog & Reclining hero Poses!*


  1.             Cardiac Health

Yoga could helps in boosting the levels of haemoglobin and red blood cells, thins the blood by making platelets less sticky and reduces the clot-forming proteins in the blood. This reduces the risk of clot formation which is the cause of cardiac failure. Yoga breathing techniques regulate our intake of oxygen and could help in keeping our heart healthy. Check out Continuum Heart Institute Study to catch up on the significance of yoga in the modification of cardiovascular risk factors and in the rehabilitation of the post-myocardial infarction patients. Try Mountain, Tree, Boat, Big Toe, Child, Corpse, Sukhasana & Fire Log Poses!*


  1.             Ease Migraines

The study showed a noteworthy decline in migraine headache frequency and other features in patients who practiced Yoga for over 3 months. Try Legs-up-on-the-wall, Bridge, Big toe, Head-to-Knee-forward-bend, Plow & Wide-legged-forward-bend Poses.*


  1.             Neck & Back Pains

A NCCIH funded study at University of Rajasthan has revealed that the practice of Iyengar Yoga by people who had chronic low back pain significantly reduced pain and disability in 6 months. Iyengar Yoga focuses on proper alignment of our body to strengthen the muscles and support the joints. Another study found that 12 weekly yoga classes produced better results than usual medical care for neck and back aches. Try Cat, Child, Cow, Reclining Twist & Extended Puppy Poses!*


  1.             PTSD & Depression Management

Studies have found Yoga as a potentially effective tool to deal with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; whether it was the Bihar flood victims or Tsunami survivors in Andaman Islands  or survivors of South East Asia tsunami . It has also been found to be an ancillary treatment option for patients with depressive disorders  Try Corpse, Dolphin, Fire Log, Lion & Legs-up-on-the-wall & Happy baby Poses!*

Invest your time in Yoga to lead better lives because, “When you know better, you do better”-Maya Angelou.

*Results may be experienced differently by different individuals.
This report is developed from clinical studies, research, and customer reviews analyzed by the editors.
Further supporting research and documentation can be found in the “Research” section as well as
the “Disclosure” section of Herbalistreport.